Bonab branch.
One logistic parchambar with a base address for carrying and transporting the holding of Mahan in Canar. This is a group of functions for carrying raw materials, generating, carrying sponge bars in two meters of time and managing from time to time, from time to time to the destination, including carrying out bars (generative products) My exports and interiors are in his custody, that one is more important. It is necessary to mention the original goal, that one has brought the satisfaction of two buyers, and I am sure that it is more important.
A steel community, Sanat in Neb, inclusive of Karkhangat, Zoub and Nord, in the late 1383 s. In Karkhanjat Zob Shahin and Zob Shahriar, there are different types of steel and automatic shams. In Nord Gram lines, there are different types of melodies, walls in different sizes, according to the quality of AII and AIII, and there are two types of mechanical products in different sections, among which, among other things, is the generation of melodies. My name is that this is a generative community in Bakhsh Nord Grom, 2,450,000 tons of boys and thawb, and its richness is 600,000 tons in a special way, especially in the first place and in the course of every generation as a child, a private and state in Bakhsh We present the syllables of Gurd Sangin and Nimh Sangin in the position of Charm Ra Dara Mi Ashid.